How Smart Homes Will Work

Smart homes have one particular purpose: To make the management of a house more convenient. This is accomplished by unifying all your appliances and equipment in one single platform that will be managed through either your mobile device or desktop. A true smart home would have a cloud-based platform that allows you to manage every aspect of your house, from air conditioning to lighting, from any location. This is convenient for one reason: You don’t have to be around an appliance to know it’s finished with what it’s doing. So, for example, if you’re baking cookies, your oven can send a push notification to your smartphone to tell you when it is done. You can adjust the temperature remotely or program a specific temperature regime for the entire duration of cooking. This is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what you can do. As demonstrated by the high-end “Eco Bubble” washing machines by Samsung, the smart home is becoming a definite reality in the very near future. This washing machine sends notifications to your smartphone when it encounters problems, helping you diagnose them without having to call an engineer over.

Security Concerns

If you can control your smart home entirely from your phone, that also means that someone else can tap into the system and control things like your lights from outside the house. For the most part, it is personal negligence that will lead to these incidents. There is no 100% surefire way of preventing your house from being hacked, but you can minimize the chances to an almost-zero value. This involves doing a few things: That’s pretty much all you can do. There are, however, more things that a smart home developer/manufacturer can do to prevent data theft and compromise: While most hacking incidents on personal property are caused by neglect, developers and manufacturers can account for this and manage data responsibly.

What’s The Difference Between A Smart Home And A Collection Of Smart Appliances?

Smart appliances are all over the market now. Most of them are slightly expensive, but cater to a demographic that is crazed about technology. What does the smart home offer that you wouldn’t get with a bunch of smart appliances? Well, for one, you would get a unified interface. Instead of tracking down each individual appliance, you can have one platform for the entire house, offering you a holistic approach to home management. The benefits of this are far greater than having multiple interfaces.

What Are Your Thoughts?

As this technology evolves, it will be interesting what kinds of improvements we will see over the years. Personally, what concerns me more are the security implications, but one cannot help but be in awe of what the future may hold. Now, it’s your turn to speak. What do you think about smart homes? Let us know below in the comments section!