
PicPlz is the ultimate photo sharing website. In addition to letting you upload as many photographs as you want, the site lets you apply numerous image filters to your images. Moreover, the site connects with nearly all popular social networks and services such as Facebook, Dropbox, and Foursquare. By merging these features with the ability to like and comment on others’ pictures, PicPlz becomes the perfect social photo sharing website anybody could wish for.


You start using PicPlz by connecting one of your social networking accounts with the site. For this purpose, you can use either your Facebook or Twitter account. Your email address is grabbed from the connected account and you are asked to set a password.

The next step is to connect accounts from other services. Supported services include Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Tumblr, Posterous, Foursquare, and Dropbox. If you like, you can skip this step and return to it whenever you want through your PicPlz account options.

When you visit your dashboard, you will find the option to upload photographs from your computer.

The “Upload Photo + Apply Filter” button lets you easily add photos to your PicPlz account and apply the image filters you want. Smartphone users will prefer using the service’s Android and iOS applications that are available for free.

With your photograph uploaded, you can choose to apply filters to it.

A wide range of image filters is provided to the user. These filters include Russian Toy camera, plastic view, monochrome, C-41, and numerous other filters.

In the same step of selecting your image filter, you can choose to share the uploaded image on your connected accounts.

After your image is processed, it appears on your dashboard. You can click on the image to the published page. This is where your visitors can like the image and leave a comment. They can also view other images uploaded by you using the “Previous” and “Next” buttons.

A feature analogous to playlists on audio and video websites is “Collections”. You can create your own image collection and add images to it. On a photo’s webpage, the collections it is included in appears on the right pane.

In the top right area of an image’s webpage, you will find the direct URL of the image, its caption, number of views, number of comments and like, buttons to Tweet the image and Facebook Like, and thumbnails of more images by the same PicPlz user.

If you find that the images of a particular PicPlz user are interesting, you can choose to follow them. This will display their photo updates under the “Network” tab on your Dashboard. Other tabs on your Dashboard include “Interesting” and “Everyone”; these tabs list the most popular and recent images, making the good images easier to browse and find.


PicPlz is a photo sharing website that offers a plethora of valuable features. The fact that it offers extensive account connections with other social networks and sites, unlimited photo uploading, image filters, and image sharing without any price tag is simply amazing. Whether you upload and view your images through your computer or smartphone, the high accessibility and feature-richness of PicPlz make it the ideal photo sharing choice. PicPlz