Note: you can only upload a profile photo if you have a Zoom account. If you don’t want to add a profile picture or if you don’t have an account, use the methods below to have Zoom display your name instead of the video feed.

How to Change Zoom Profile Picture on Desktop

Follow the steps below to change your Zoom profile picture (even during a meeting) to anything you would like. Note: in the “Profile” tab, you will see information, such as name, display name, phone number, language, time zone, and more. This tab is also where you can change your profile photo. Note: you can only upload a photo with a maximum file size of 2MB. If the photo you want to use is a larger file, compress your photo. Tip: switched to a Linux PC? See how to install Zoom on Linux.

How to Display Your Profile Photo Instead of Video in Zoom on Desktop

If you don’t want to display your webcam feed during a Zoom meeting, you can set up your profile photo to replace the feed. Note: if you’re joining a meeting without signing up, Zoom allows you to choose your display name while joining and also edit it later. If you’re already in a video meeting and want to display your Zoom profile photo instead of your webcam feed, simply click on the “Stop Video” button in the bottom toolbar. Tip: prep for Zoom meetings with these video conferencing tips.

How to Change Zoom Profile Photo on Mobile

You can change your profile photo in the mobile version of the Zoom app, which is available on Android and iOS.

How to Display Your Profile Photo Instead of Video in Zoom on Mobile

Note that Zoom may automatically pick your phone’s name as the display name. If you’re already in a video meeting, click on “Stop Video” in the bottom menu to display your profile picture (or name) instead of the feed. Tip: make meetings more interesting by sharing your audio on a Zoom call. Image credit: Pixabay. All screenshots by Natalie dela Vega.